Thursday, December 22, 2011

Episode 4 Part 2

Omg, so after part 1 I was sooo excited to see part 2!! So it starts and they're all like back in the palace, and Lodivico, a messenger from Venice, arrives with letters announcing that Cassio is to replace Othello as governor. Obviously, Othello is so enraged by what he saw, so he went into the palace and started questioning Desdemona and arguing in front of everyone, making himself look bad, and when he didn't get the answers he wanted, he totally slapped her across the face and everyone was all shocked, but Desdemonda just walked away like it was no big deal. Like, if you just witnessed a GIRL being SLAPPED, would you just stand there?? Um, no, what were they thinking? But then the scene cuts and goes right to Roderigo and he has a plan to come back with a vengence. And that's how the story ends before the last episode! I really really want to see what happens next!!!

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